Priority Projects
Yarriambiack Shire Council is actively advocating, exploring, and seeking funding opportunities for their key priority projects that align with Council’s Strategic priorities, as outlined in the Council Plan 2021-2025(PDF, 7MB). Below is a summary of each project:
Hopetoun Old School Site
The Hopetoun former school site is located on the corner of Austin Street and Garrard Street Hopetoun. The site incorporates the original State School Building, the former Primary School buildings, along with surrounding land. This project has strong support from the community, with the vision for the site to be turned into an accommodation venue and housing development. Please refer to the Master Plans and Advocacy document to read more about this exciting project.
Housing Initiatives
Our Shire is actively advocating for further housing opportunities within our Shire. We are currently building seven affordable housing units across Woomelang, Murtoa, Warracknabeal, Rupanyup and Hopetoun, and have a strategic vision to expand on our housing stock across the Shire.
Our Housing Strategy in a Snapsho(PDF, 2MB)t outlines our key housing projects and the works completed to date.
Housing Flyer Connecting and Trunk Infrastructure(PDF, 4MB)
ANZAC Park Warracknabeal
ANZAC Park has been identified as a key active and passive recreational facility within our Shire, owned by the Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action (DEECA). The site is home to sports and activities such as tennis, swimming, cricket, netball, football, hockey, fire brigade, playgroup and RSL. It is also the host site for regional swimming carnivals and inter school ,and regional school sports. The site requires a full upgrade and significant investment.
ANZAC Park Advocacy Document(PDF, 6MB)
ANZAC Park Master Plan(PDF, 6MB)
Murtoa Recreation Reserve
Murtoa Recreation Reserve, owned by DEECA, has been identified as the second highest priority for development, as a key active and passive recreational facility. The site supports netball, football, recreational tennis and cricket, along with being the local showgrounds where the annual Murtoa Show is held. The site requires a fullupgrade of all facilities.
Murtoa Recreation Reserve Advocacy Document(PDF, 2MB)
Murtoa Recreation Reserve Master Plan(PDF, 25MB)
Beulah Supermarket and Precinct
The Beulah Store was the hub of the Southern Mallee town, where it housed a supermarket, news agency, dry cleaning depot and gift shop until 2019, when a disastrous fire burnt the iconic building to the ground. Taking with it 122 years of history and memories. The store was privately owned, with the owners deciding not to rebuild. The community rallied, and established a make shift supermarket at the Rural Northwest Health building, however the site is not large enough to support a full range of items where residents can complete their shopping locally and within the community. Council has provided a parcel of land, and the community, along with Council is strongly advocating for funding to build a new supermarket to support Beulah and surrounding townships.
Beulah Supermarket Advocacy Document (PDF, 5MB)
Recreation Reserve Master Plans
These master plans are designed to provide direction on future infrastructure and projects within the recreation spaces, and support funding applications.
Hopetoun Recreation Reserve Master Plan(PDF, 11MB)
Rupanyup Recreation Reserve Master Plan(PDF, 17MB)
Minyip Recreation Reserve Master Plan(PDF, 6MB)
Brim Recreation Reserve Master Plan
Beulah Recreation Reserve Master Plan(PDF, 16MB)
Recreation Area Precincts
Warracknabeal Recreation Precinct(PDF, 15MB)
Carvan Parks
Hopetoun Caravan Park Master Plan(PDF, 3MB)
Yaapeet Streetscape Master Plan(PDF, 63MB)
Rupanyup Streetscape Master Plan(PDF, 15MB)
All Roads Lead to Yarriambiack
Roads Advocacy Document(PDF, 10MB)
Dunmunkle Childcare
Council is proud to have advocated for the construction of a State Government owned and operated Early Learning Centre to support the southern end of our Shire, to be built in Murtoa by 2025. Visit our Kindergarten page for more details.
Dunmunkle Childcare Advocacy Document(PDF, 7MB)
Community Action Plans
In addition to Council’s Priority Projects, our Communities also have Community Action Plans, which outline key projects that are important to each community. To read more about Community Action Plans, visit our Community page