Report an Issue

We value your feedback as understanding your experience with us will help us to continually improve our services and Yarriambiack Shire.
For assistance with how to report an issue, request or complaint view or download the PDF below.

Lodge a Request or Issue

Report an issue or make a service request by lodging a ticket with Yarriambiack Shire Council, allowing you to track the status and receive updates on your ticket.

Lodge a Complaint

Do you have a complaint about the quality of our service, or a recent action or decision? We value your feedback as understanding your experience with us will help us to continually improve.

Our Complaints Handling Policy outlines how to complain to us, and how we should handle complaints. When we receive your complaint, we must handle it in accordance with the policy.

Lodge a complaint by lodging a ticket with Yarriambiack Shire Council, allowing you to track the status and receive updates on your ticket.

Snap Send Solve - another way to communicate with us!

Use the Snap Send Solve app to tell us about issues in our community.SSS-Logo.png
Free to download from the App Store or Google Play, the Snap Send Solve app can be used to submit service requests during business hours or for non-urgent works.

It lets anyone easily take a photo of an issue or provide general feedback, and immediately share with us so we can address the issue.

All details associated with reports sent from Snap Send Solve are shared from the app using your email address. This helps us get in contact with you and let you know when we’ve resolved the issue.

Please note: Snap Send Solve is not for urgent or emergency work. Emergency Works are to be reported by calling the office on 5398 0100 during business hours, or after hours calling the Emergency Phone – 53 98 2467 or 0427 511 550.

Download the Snap Send Solve app on your smartphone today. 

Community Feedback

Help us deliver a better service by completing and submitting the online form below.