Public Interest Disclosure

Legislative changes commencing 01 January 2020 required all agencies to update their policies and procedures in relation to Public Interest Disclosures (PIDs). Victoria’s Public Interest Disclosure scheme is vitally important in ensuring that people who report improper conduct and corruption can do so in the knowledge that they will be protected. Protection includes keeping the identity of the person reporting improper conduct confidential and protecting them from reprisals including bullying, harassment or legal action.

Overall, the new PID scheme aims to provide a lower threshold for making PIDs to IBAC, a ‘no wrong door’ principle for handling PIDs made to a receiving agency, and increased flexibility and alternative pathways for how investigating agencies handle PIDs. Major name changes include The Protected Disclosure Act 2012 renamed to the Public Interest Disclosure Act 2012. In addition, the terms protected disclosure and protected disclosure complaint have been replaced with Public Interest Disclosure and Public Interest Complaint.

Who can make a Public Interest Disclosure?
Any natural person can make a disclosure about improper conduct or detrimental action – including members of the public (including group of individuals), members of the public and employees of Council. A Corporation or body cannot make a Public Interest Disclosure.