Reconciliation and Settlement Agreement

Published on 25 August 2023

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Reconciliation and Settlement Agreement

Yarriambiack Shire Council continues to serve its community that values its land and wellbeing and is committed to building stronger relationships with the local Traditional Owners and Barengi Gadjin Land Council.

Yarriambiack Shire Council Mayor Cr Kylie Zanker said, “We’re aware that there has been media attention regarding the Reconciliation and Settlement Agreement between BGLC and the State Government, which includes the Local Government Engagement Strategy, and this has caused alarm and concern within the community. I would like to assure the community that Council’s relationship with Barengi Gadjin Land Council will continue to be a positive and proactive relationship that promotes reconciliation, acknowledgement and preservation of culturally significant assets in Yarriambiack Shire. This will be done in conjunction with our key initiatives, projects, and services across the municipality”.

“The Reconciliation and Settlement Agreement, specifically the Local Government Engagement Strategy provides structure for actions and initiatives that we as Council are already completing, such as the acknowledgement of country, consultation with Traditional Owners on projects and collaborating on advocacy, strategies and events”, Cr Zanker said.

The Local Government Act 2020 outlines the definition of what defines the Municipal Community, which includes Traditional Owners of land in the Municipal District.  The Role and Power of a Council is to provide good governance in its municipal district for the benefit and wellbeing of the municipal community.   The Council is already required to consult with the municipal community in regard to strategic planning and strategic decision making.

“As Mayor, I am passionate about my responsibility to lead the community in the role of engagement and accountability, representing the interests of the municipal community in decision making, and consider the diversity of interests and needs of the entire community. The Reconciliation and Settlement Agreement formalises what we’re currently doing ”, Cr Zanker said.

“Council has an existing requirement under the Naming Rules within the guidelines of the Geographic Place Names Act 1998 that consultation with Traditional Owners is required if Council were to use traditional owner language. The Naming Rules also state that Traditional Owners can request to name a road, feature, locality, including a locality boundary.  This is not new territory for us, and the Local Government Engagement Strategy provides us with an opportunity to formalise our engagement processes and manage it effectively”, Cr Zanker added.

“Whilst the recent attention highlighted concerns regarding resourcing the implementation of this Plan, l believe we can work together to alleviate a lot of the concern regarding this, and we’re committed to working with BGLC to negotiate and develop an engagement strategy that works for both parties, that is based on the recommended actions included in the RSA”, Cr Zanker said.

Cr Kylie Zanker
