Murtoa Stick Shed Visitor Information Centre

Published on 24 November 2023

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Council is pleased to announce that construction works have been completed on the Murtoa Stick Shed Visitor Information Centre Project. The Information Centre is now opened and being occupied by the Murtoa Stick Shed Committee.

The Murtoa Stick Shed Visitor Experience Upgrade Project enabled the refurbishment of the Murtoa Stick Shed Visitor Information Centre and amenities which has modernized the facility and created accessibility, alongside a new outdoor covered are for groups to meet.

This project had a total project cost of $445,404. This project would not have been possible without the support of the Australian and Victorian Government’s. The Australian Government contributed $88,754 through the Australian Heritage Grants 2020-21, while the Victoria Government contributed $350,000 through the Regional Tourism Investment program – Stimulus Round. Additional funds and in-kind work were contributed by the Yarriambiack Shire Council and the Murtoa Stick Shed Committee of Management. Stay tuned for details of an Official Open in early 2024!