Published on 15 August 2024
DrumMUSTER is an enormously successful agricultural drum recycling program that has been going for more than 20 years now. Yarriambiack Shire farmers are the number 1 recyclers of chemical drums in the state with DrumMUSTER with close to one million drums being recycled since the program began.
The Yarriambiack Shire Council hosts a number of DrumMUSTER collection sites at our Transfer Stations and our operators are trained to ensure that the drums we accept meet the standards for the program. From time to time, we need to remind people the importance of properly triple rinsing he drums to ensure operator safety and the best environmental outcomes. Getting it right saves time and helps with the efficient operation of the collection.
For further information on the rinsing process, please visit Agsafe - drumMUSTER website.
Please contact La Vergne Lehmann - Waste & Sustainability Coordinator if you have any queries about the program in the Yarriambiack Shire.