"Call Push Shock" CPR & AED Program

Published on 21 May 2024


Yarriambiack Shire Council is partnering with Ambulance Victoria to facilitate the “Call Push Shock” program in our Towns for the benefit of the community.

In partnership with the Heart Foundation, Ambulance Victoria has designed and developed a new Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) & Automated External defibrillator (AED) program and practice kit – “Call Push Shock”.

To help Ambulance Victoria champion the “Call Push Shock” program, Council is working to identify opportunities to collaborate with community groups who would be interested in hosting the program session for their members and the wider community.

These program sessions will be coordinated and run by Ambulance Victoria staff, and local volunteer Ambulance Community Officers.


Thousands of Victorians suffer an out-of-hospital cardiac arrest every year.

When a bystander performs CPR, a person is twice as likely to survive.

If an AED is also used, this survival rate dramatically increases.


The “Call Push Shock” program and kit builds confidence and capability to recognise a cardiac arrest and take the lifesaving action of:

  • Calling Triple Zero (#000),
  • Starting CPR immediately,
  • Shocking with an AED (if available).

For more information about the “Call Push Shock” program, visit the Ambulance Victoria website, at:



Community groups that are interested in hosting a “Call Push Shock” program for members and the wider community are urged to complete our Call Push Shock” EOI Form.


Participating in this program will help Council to educate our Shire community, to save lives with CPR and an AED.


CEO Tammy Smith


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