Bee swarm information

Published on 01 November 2024

Bee swarm.png
Found a Bee Swarm?


+ Swarming bees are generally calm as they are not defending their hive or honey stores; they are focused on looking for a new home!
+ A swarm of bees will often only travel 100m or so from their old hive, gather on a nearby tree or similar, while scout bees are out in search for a more permanent home.
+ Swarms are temporary and will likely move on within a few hours.
What to do if you find Bee Swarm?
+ Avoid getting too close to the swarm.
+ Do not aggravate or provoke the bees, such as using a watering hose or stick.
+ Keep children and pets away from the immediate area.
+ If you are outside, wear shoes.


If a Bee Swarm remains for longer than three days or if bees present a health risk, such as anaphylaxis, please contact a local beekeeper.
Landowners are responsible for any swarms or hives requiring immediate removal.


For further Bee Swarm information, please visit


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