Recycling in Yarriambiack Shire

1. Tips to ensure your recycling is collected and processed correctly.
  • Place your bin facing the road, wheels and handles to the house.

  • In rural areas place your bin 1.5 to 2 metres from the road seal.

  • If there are more than one bin in an area, bins should be placed approximately 400mm apart.

  • Place your bin where it can easily be seen.

  • Place your bin out the night before collection, as pickups can occur early in the morning.

  • Bins should not be overflowing and should not weigh more than 70 kilograms.

  • Do not place hot ashes in your bin.

  • Do not wrap or place recyclable in bags.

  • Garden waste is not recyclable.

  • Polystyrene, bubble wrap and soft plastics are not recyclable. These items all need to go straight into the waste bin.

  • Do put tin cans (cat food, beetroot tins, spaghetti tins etc) into your recycle bin

  • Garden waste is not recyclable. Garden clippings and lawn cuttings need to go into your compost bin or to the Transfer Station. 

  • Clothing, shoes, toys and linen are not recyclable

Remember: When in doubt, throw it out.


2. Recycling beyond your kerbside bin

There are many recycling opportunities beyond your yellow-lidded recycling bin. Some of these are:

  • Container deposit scheme (CDS): Most aluminium, glass, plastic and liquid paperboard (carton) drink containers between 150mL and 3L are eligible. There are reverse vending machines at Hopetoun, Warracknabeal and Murtoa. Larger quantities can be taken to Axis Works on Golf Course Road, Horsham.
  • Household batteries: There is a battery container in most communities across the Yarriambiack Shire Council area. Batteries should not be placed in any kerbside bin.
  • Electronic or electrical waste: anything with a cord or battery to run it can be dropped off at the Murtoa, Warracknabeal and Hopetoun transfer stations. E-waste is not allowed to go to landfill.
  • Mattresses: can be dropped off at all Yarriambiack Shire Council Transfer Stations for recycling.
  • Tyres: can be dropped off at all Council Transfer Stations for recycling.
  • Car Batteries: can be dropped off at all Council Transfer Stations for recycling.
  • Chemical drums: DrumMuster drums can be dropped off at all Council Transfer Stations. They must be triple rinsed.
  • Scrap metal: including old fridges, microwaves, washing machines etc can be dropped off at all Council Transfer Stations for recycling.
  • Cardboard: in larger quantities, can be dropped off at all Council Transfer Stations for recycling.
  • Green waste: can be dropped off at all Council Transfer Stations free of charge.
  • Mobile phones: MobileMuster is available at the Yarriambiack Shire Council office reception or you can get a pre-paid satchel at Australia Post.
  • Blister packs for pills: Priceline and Terry White Chemist in Horsham.
  • Spectacles: SpecSavers in Horsham.
  • Polystyrene: Clean polystyrene can be dropped off at the Horsham Transfer Station.
  • Food waste: consider a worm farm or add it to you own compost.
  • Clothing: If it still wearable take it to an op-shop.
  • Paint: can be dropped off at the Horsham Transfer Station as part of the Paintback scheme.
  • Household furniture and goods: if still usable, try an online marketplace or op-shops.
  • X-rays: X-rays are one of those items that can be recycled but not in the kerbside recycling bin. The easiest way to get your old X-rays recycled is to post them to Siltech at 7/220 Barry Road, Campbellfield VIC 3061. There is no charge for the service. It is best to remove the film from the envelopes and destroy the envelopes yourself. X-rays can be cut to size for postage if required.

Please note that some items dropped off at a Transfer Station attract a fee. This reflects the cost of getting those items recycled.

3. Grain bag recycling

The Warracknabeal Transfer Station is no longer accepting grain silo bags for recycling.

Yarriambiack Shire Council has been accepting used grain bags at the Warracknabeal Transfer Station for several years. Unfortunately, despite numerous attempts to establish a regular collection of the grain bags for recycling, no viable option has yet been identified. This has resulted in a significant stockpile of the material at the Warracknabeal Transfer Station. This is not a situation that can continue so the decision has been made to stop accepting the bags until a recycling option is found.

The problem of recycling soft plastics in Australia has been well documented and grain bags are no exception, made even more difficult because of the multiple layers of different plastics. There is work being done to establish a viable recycling program, possibly as part of an agricultural plastics product stewardship scheme. However, this is still in the early stages of development at a national level. In the meantime, any option for recycling that becomes available will be considered on its merit and viability.

Any queries regarding the grain bag drop offs can be directed to La Vergne Lehmann, Waste & Sustainability Coordinator at or on 0408 121 118.