Municipal Rate Relief – New Houses


The Yarriambiack Shire Council wishes to encourage and provide incentive for the construction of new (or relocated) residential housing developments within this Shire which include sustainable water and energy initiatives.

The freezing of municipal rates for new residential housing developments for a period of three years would assist owners with reduced rates for this period. The new housing developments may be in a rural or urban area.


The Yarriambiack Shire Council will base its rate calculation on the following:

Capital Improved Value – Value of New Residential Housing Development = Rate Reduction

This rate calculation will be applied for a period of three years after the date of issue of Certificate of Occupancy for the new residential housing development.

At the end of the three year period the annual rate charge will be based on Council’s Capital Improved Value, which will include the new housing development.

This policy does not apply to temporary housing or sheds.


The rate reduction is only applicable to the annual rate charge. All other charges associated with the property (ie garbage service and recycling charges) will be as stated in Council’s Annual Rate Declaration.


The residence must comply with three of the five requirements with the first one being compulsory to be eligible for municipal rate relief under this policy:

  • Provision of a rain water tank with a minimum capacity of 13,000 litres with the entire residence to be plumbed to have the option of rain water or town supply (dual plumbing);
  • Residence to be fitted with a solar hot water service or a heat pump hot water system;
  • An EPA approved aerated waste water treatment system for reuse to be installed;
  • Residence to be fitted with photo voltaic panels of minimum 1kw capacity with connection to state power grid;
  • Residence to be fitted with approved grey water reuse and irrigation system.
  • Achieve a 7 star energy rating in accordance with provisions of Building Code of Australia Part 3.12.

Municipal Rate Relief – New Houses - online form click below



This policy is applicable to housing developments with an occupancy certificate issued on or after the date of adoption of this policy. All applications must be made within one year from the date the occupancy certificate was issued. This policy supersedes all previously adopted Municipal Rate Relief – New Houses policies.