Upcoming Procurement Opportunity
It is anticipated the following request for tender will be released early in 2025:
Hopetoun Outdoor Swimming Pool - Upgrade (C358-2025).
A brief summary of the Project Scope of Works is as follows:
1. Main Pool wet deck conversion including Balance Tank
- Removal of the top portion of the pool wall and forming and pouring a new wet deck gutter down each side of the pool to improve filtration and access in and out of the pool.
- Provision of a 68,000lt balance tank to the main pool to contain changes in pool volume and ensuring the wet deck will function properly.
- New soiled water collection pipe works back to the balance tank.
- New filtered water distribution piped works from the plant room to the pool.
- New in pool hydraulics.
2. Main pool shell rebuild including all ability access ramp.
- Provision of an all-ability access ramp into the main pool.
- Repairs to the main pool shell including rebuilding the expansion joints and the crack repair to reduce the risk of pool shell leaks.
- New concourse slab to the main pool.
3. Toddler pool upgrade including wet deck conversion.
- Removal of the top portion of the pool wall and forming and pouring a new wet deck gutter down each side of the pool to improve filtration and access in and out of the pool.
- New soiled water collection pipe works back to the main pool balance tank.
- New filtered water distribution piped works from the plant room to the pool.
- New in pool hydraulics.
- New concourse slab to the toddler pool.
4. Disabled toilet and change facilities.
- Internal demolition within the existing amenities.
- Provision of new disabled toilet and change facilities within the existing amenities.
- Basic refurbishment of existing amenities.
5. New Pool Slide
- New slide to the main pool.
- New pavement around new slide.
VBA registered builder, or supervision of the project by a registered builder.
The Tender documents are in the process of being developed by a consultant who has been engaged by Council to prepare schematic specifications for the design and construction of the pool upgrades.
The budget for this project is $1,150,000.
If your business is interested in obtaining further information in relation to this tender, you must be registered with Council's e-procurement portal eProcure, to ensure you receive an email alert of the advertising tender, noting that tenders will be required to lodge their tender submission via eProcure.
If you're not already registered with eProcure, registration is free and relatively easy - the link to Council's e-procurement portal is www.eprocure.com.au/yarriambiack/