Roadside Trading Permits

Roadside trading is defined as using a roadside or footpath for commercial or promotional activities, including:

  • Place tables and/or chairs on the footpath
  • Have an A-frame sign on the footpath
  • Display goods on the footpath
  • Place any other object on the footpath e.g. plant pot

You need a Roadside Trading Permit if you want to place tables and chairs, goods and products, outdoor heaters, an advertising sign, planter boxes, umbrellas, screens, promotional items or any other material on the footpath.

Why do I need a Roadside Trading Permit?

Footpath trading is a popular part of the retail environment, with the use of the footpath in front of commercial premises adding to the vibrancy and appeal of a business if appropriately managed.

Council is committed to supporting local businesses, however as the footpath in front of many commercial premises in Yarriambiack Shire is publicly owned, Council has a legal obligation to maintain the footpath to provide safe, accessible and unobstructed passage for pedestrians, regardless of mobility levels; and ensure the amenity of the streetscape.

Council has a legal obligation through the Local Government Act 1989 to provide a safe and unobstructed footpath environment for all pedestrians.

Permit Applications

Council’s Local Law 2024 prohibits the placement of items on footpaths unless a permit has been issued. The permit allows for the placement of items on the footpath provided business operators comply with the permit conditions.

  • No items (fixed or temporary) may be placed on the Walkway Section of the footpath.  The Walkway Section extends 1.5metres from the property line towards the Kerb.
  • No items (fixed or temporary) may be placed on the of the footpath.  The first 0.7metres of the footpath from the face of the kerb (gutter) must be kept clear.
  • No items (fixed or temporary) may be placed on Access Points of the footpath.
  • Clear and regular access from the footpath to the road must be provided.  Access Points should be located approximately every 10metres.

A Roadside Trading Permit will only be approved where pedestrian access is not obstructed, regardless of mobility levels, the environment is safe, and the visual amenity of the area is maintained.

Footpath Permit Zones

In order to provide unobstructed access for pedestrians, the following zones have been created.

  • Kerb section
  • Article section
  • Walkway section

These zones are outlined in the diagrams below.

Footpath trading zones

Footpath trading zones

Lodge an Application

To apply for a Roadside Trading Permit, please complete the permit application form available below. Applications may be submitted in person or email via

You will need the following details to submit a new application:

  • A copy of your Public Liability Insurance Certificate of Currency (mandatory) for $20 million from your insurance company
  • Site plan (mandatory). For online applications please submit a scanned copy of the site plan
  • Any images or supporting documentation for your application

Once you have submitted an application form, Council will arrange to inspect your premises to assess the permit application. After the assessment if your application is successful, a permit will be sent to you. If your application is unsuccessful, you will be contacted by Council.

For any questions or advice regarding the footpath trade permits, please contact Council’s Local Laws Officer on 5398 0100 or email

Roadside Trading Permit application form(PDF, 161KB)